Welcome to HyperRogue Wiki[]
Hi everyone and welcome to the HyperRogue Wiki. This is still very much a work in progress, so any help on creating pages and gathering info is appreciated.
So let's get to work and try to build a community around this awesome game.
Welcome to HyperRogue[]
HyperRogue is a roguelike game based in Hyperbolic Geometry. The game comprises more than 70 realms with unique mechanics and game-styles. Your goal is collect has many treasure you can, but while you do this some weird quests may appear.
The game is made by "ZenoTheRogue". If you like the game, support him subscribing to his YouTube channel and donating in his Itch.io account.
Latest activity[]
Fulgur14 has a nice guide on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=390176864
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